To add to the laughter and merriment of Christmas, I present to you some wonderful and hilarious Christmas riddles and jokes for kids. Use these to quiz your children and have a great time!
Knock Knock
– Who’s there?
Mary and Appy
– Mary and Appy who?
Mary Christmas and Appy New Year!
Christmas is a time to get together and have some great time with family and friends. It’s a time to have fun, to enjoy, and to laugh. To increase your laughs, we have some of the best jokes listed here. What’s more? These jokes are all related to Christmas. As the family comes together for a great evening ahead, these jokes will help you plan children’s activities with more ease.
Funny Christmas Riddles
1. What is it that the Santa Claus never loses?
2. Four elves behind one elf and four elves in front of one elf. One elf in the middle. How many elves are there?
3. What lies in the middle of Christmas?
4. If you light a green Christmas tree with red and blue lights, what does it become?
5. How can Santa ride into some distant land on Saturday, stay there for 4 days and come back on Saturday?
6. Which is the 7 letter word in English which everyone pronounces wrongly?
7. How many gifts does Santa bring from the Antarctica?
8. What would you need to spot Santa coming on his sleigh, 30 miles away?
9. Why did Santa get a huge bill for his mobile phone?
10. Who has eyes, two ears, two hands and two legs, but no nose?
Knock Knock Christmas Jokes
Children always find knock knock jokes funny. Here are some for you and your kids.
Knock Knock
– Who’s there?
Your Gift.
– Your Gift who?
Your gift, get it or it’s gone in 10 secs!
Knock Knock
– Who’s there?
Your Father
– Your father who?
Your father idiot!
Knock Knock
– Who’s there?
No one!
– No one who?
No one me!
Knock Knock
– Who’s there?
– Sing Who?
Knock Knock
– Who’s there?
– Donkeys who?
Donkeys bray, not who!
Knock Knock
– Who’s there?
Knock Knock
– Knock Knock who?
Knock Knock the knocker!
Knock Knock
– Who’s there?
Tuna Fish
– Tuna Fish who?
You cannot tune a fish, but you can tune a guitar!
The element of humor is present in every single thing in this Universe. So, joke all the way through this Christmas and enjoy this blessed time of winter with the love and warmth of your family! Don’t forget to use these riddles to tickle your children’s funny bone! Have a Hilarious Christmas!