Confirmation is one of the life-changing practices in Christianity. It is a moment of great happiness and people choose to celebrate it. Invitations are sent and near ones join in the happiness.
Some Tips!
✦ Confirmations are written in such a way that every phrase goes on a separate line.
✦ Abbreviations other than ‘Mr.’, ‘Ms.’, or ‘Mrs.’ should not be used. There are titles like ‘Dr.’ but these should be written as ‘Doctor’.
Confirmation is an important step taken by a person to get close to his/her religion (the church). He/she decides to make a full commitment to the church. It includes laying on of hands, anointing, and prayer. This procedure is done when a person reaches the age of reason, the age where he starts to decide for himself. Baptism is done in childhood while a confirmation is done during the teenage years. Every church and community may have different rules about these rituals. People who are supposed to be Confirmed have to go through some sessions which teach them about Confirmation.
It is the happiest moment for everyone when someone is getting Confirmed. Hence, all relatives and friends are called to witness the moment and bless the person, and invitations are sent. The invitation can be formal or informal (not like an invitation to a party). Some people also include their child’s photo for a personalized invitation. There are different ways in which you can write and format the content. Use these options and tips:
✥ You could start with Bible verses. This automatically connects the reader and sets the right mood.
✥ One of the important things is that you tell people about the hosts. They could be the child’s parents, godparents, or both.
✥ This being a special occasion invitation, it is advised to send the invitations preferably 4 weeks before the occasion.
✥ You need to write the full address of the church, including the street and city name. Also, no abbreviations should be used.
Make your invitation with the help of these wording ideas. Given below are some samples.
Simple and formal invitations
✟ Mr. and Mrs. James Smith
cordially invite you
to the Confirmation of their daughter
Anna Smith
on Sunday, the fourteenth of December
at two o’clock in the afternoon
St. John’s Church
267, Dixie Lane
✟ Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Smith
invite you to worship with them
for the Confirmation of their son
John Smith
on Sunday, fourteenth of December
at two o’clock in the afternoon
St. John’s Church
267, Dixie Lane
A Little Different
✟ Our precious gift
will soon be welcomed into
Christ’s family with love
Mr. and Mrs. James Smith
take the pleasure of inviting you
to the Confirmation of their son
John Smith
Sunday, fourteenth of December
at two o’clock in the afternoon
St. John’s Church
✟ Mary Wright
will be sealed with the gift
of the Holy Spirit
during a Confirmation Mass
on Sunday, December twelfth
at eleven thirty in the morning
Please join us
at St. John’s Church
Preston Road
and afterwards at the Miller Residence
Dixie Lane
for a luncheon
Use Bible Verses
✟ “May the Lord give His angels
charge over you, to guide you
in all your ways”
Psalm 91:11
Please join us for our son
Charles Taylor’s
at nine thirty in the morning
on Saturday, March eighth
at St. Patrick’s Church
✟ “…the Spirit of God descending
like a dove and coming upon Him…”
Matthew 3:16
With pride and joy in our hearts
we invite you to share with us
as our daughter
Linda Thomas
is Confirmed