Halloween’s just round the corner and it is time to plan costume parties and have fun with Halloween riddles. Check out these cool riddles that you can use to tease friends on a Halloween’s night out!
Well, it’s that time of the year when the ions of festivity and celebrations charge the atmosphere! The festival of Halloween traces its roots to the Celtic festival Samhain and incorporates various aspects of the Christian festival of All Saint’s Day. Many folklorists have also identified history and origin of Halloween as based upon the Roman festivals Pomona and Parentalia though the significant influence of Samhain is more prominently felt. Samhain marks the Celtic new year by regarding this day as the conclusion of the “lighter half of the year” and the commencement of the “darker half”. The term “Halloween” is derived from the Scottish version of the English term “All Hallows Eve (evening)”. The beliefs surrounding Samhain, which are the basic influences for Halloween facts and trivia, consider this day as the day on which the line or border that separates this world from the world of supernatural or the “other side” become blurred and this is the evening on which spirits can freely enter and roam the human plane of existence. Hence, on this day, ancestral spirits are remembered and welcomed while efforts are made to ward off evil spirits.
It is these efforts to drive away evil spirits which have given rise to the typical Halloween traditions of wearing weird costumes and grotesque masks so as to pass off as an evil spirit oneself to avoid harm from a real one! Scary, clever and funny riddles have got incorporated into this festival as a way for kids and adults to have fun and make light of the grave connotations (pun unintended) of ghosts, spirits and death. Kids have the most fun on their trick-or-treats tours! Kids wait all the year for this day to dress up in scary Halloween costumes or as their favorite fictitious character and go begging for treats from door to door in their neighborhood! You’ll find a lot of interesting facts if you read about the history of Halloween holiday in America! Halloween decorations make their way into every home during this time of the year to rev up the festivities! Let’s check out some interesting riddles and answers to get some ideas on organizing an extremely enjoyable Halloween party and having fun with family and friends!
Halloween Riddles for Kids
Halloween crafts, riddles, costumes and Halloween cartoons are the things that kids enjoy the most about this festival! Check out the following riddles and answers for kids and try to guess the answers yourself before clicking on the answer links accompanying the riddles! Hey, no peeking!
- What do ghosts wear when their eyesight gets blurred?
Show Answer - Why do skeletons always have a bad cold?
Show Answer - What do female ghosts use to do their makeup?
Show Answer - Which fruit is a vampire’s favorite?
Show Answer - When does meeting a black cat brings the most bad luck?
Show Answer - What remains when a witch is crossed with an iceberg?
Show Answer - How do you fix a damaged jack-o-lantern?
Show Answer - What would you call a ghost who is wrapped in a torn cloak?
Show Answer - What is a skeleton’s favorite musical instrument?
Show Answer - What dog breed would Dracula love to have as a pet?
Show Answer - Why do spooks speak in Latin?
Show Answer
Halloween Riddles for Adults
Here are some cool Halloween riddles and answers for adults to have fun at Halloween parties and play Halloween games!
- Why must “friendship” have an “R”?
Show Answer - What is a recess at a mortuary called?
Show Answer - What looks and acts exactly like a black cat but is much smaller?
Show Answer - How do you get inside a locked cemetery at night?
Show Answer - Why did the skeleton not dance at the Halloween party?
Show Answer - What would be the national holiday for a nation of vampires?
Show Answer - What differentiates a cat from a comma?
Show Answer - What would you call a health insurance for ghosts and ghouls?
Show Answer - What genre of music does a mummy like the best?
Show Answer - What is the name of the witch who lives in the desert?
Show Answer
Besides these fun riddles for Halloween parties and activities, you can also organize scavenger hunts and use scavenger hunt riddles to make such a game exciting! Other things that spice up a Halloween celebration are Halloween masks, Halloween recipes and creative Halloween party ideas! When organizing a Halloween party, you can browse the Internet for a variety of Halloween invitation wording ideas. If it’s a party for the grown ups, you may include creative adult Halloween costume ideas to spice up the evening! Let your imagination fly – it’s time to get spooky!